hihi not have studied or proffesional learned coding.. just self learned by doing it caused required for my hobby :3 for me coding is funny thingy hrhr the computer running my codemess :33 maybe if IT-profi reading the script from https://marderchen.lima-city.de/randomwaveXL.html oh maybe he said: the code is highly complex but kind of strange written the producer have deffinitly not learned this in scool =^.^= have fun
oh for me flash never dieing installer aqlsways aqviqble in software archives and have put backup of my created flashfiles (theone<20MB) here https://www.marderchen.lima-city.de/FLASH/ :3 also littlemore learning html stuff for continouse create animations if flash gone.. basicly jquery java is same language like Actionscript3 from flash.. directory with created html5animation projects here https://www.marderchen.lima-city.de/wuselcode/?C=M;O https://www.marderchen.lima-city.de/wuselcode/?C=M;O dont know why smily in adress whatever.. later developed 47+ 47- buttons for adjust animationspeed until matching to music and shufftle buttons to change loop :3