//marderchens rainbowmoving line idea import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.filters.BlurFilter; import flash.geom.* var rainbow: Array = new Array("0xFF0000", "0xFF1900", "0xFF3200", "0xFF4B00", "0xFF6400", "0xFF7D00", "0xFF9600", "0xFFAF00", "0xFFC800", "0xFFE100", "0xFFFA00", "0xEAFF00", "0xD1FF00", "0xB7FF00", "0x9EFF00", "0x85FF00", "0x6CFF00", "0x53FF00", "0x3AFF00", "0x21FF00", "0x08FF00", "0x00FF10", "0x00FF29", "0x00FF42", "0x00FF5B", "0x00FF75", "0x00FF8E", "0x00FFA7", "0x00FFC0", "0x00FFD9", "0x00FFF2", "0x00F2FF", "0x00D9FF", "0x00C0FF", "0x00A7FF", "0x008EFF", "0x0075FF", "0x005BFF", "0x0042FF", "0x0029FF", "0x0010FF", "0x0800FF", "0x2100FF", "0x3A00FF", "0x5300FF", "0x6C00FF", "0x8500FF", "0x9E00FF", "0xB700FF", "0xD100FF", "0xEA00FF", "0xFF00FA", "0xFF00E1", "0xFF00C8", "0xFF00AF", "0xFF0096", "0xFF007D", "0xFF0064", "0xFF004B", "0xFF0032", "0xFF0019"); stage.quality = "low"; var colorsr = 0; var color = 0x00FF00; var rspeed = 11; var meow: Sprite = new Sprite(); var meow2: Sprite = new Sprite(); var mhc1 =0; var mhc2 =250; var mhc3 =0; var mhc4 =0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loopa); function loopa(e: Event) { meow.graphics.clear(); //marderchens MEO letters Mline(174, -132,219, 143); Mline(219, 143,279, 143); Mline(279, 143,315, 90); Mline(315, 90,343, 143); Mline(343, 143,403, 143); Mline(403, 143,447, -110); Mline(447, -110,451, -132); Mline(451, -132,447, -132); Mline(447, -132,386, -132); Mline(386, -132,355, 25); Mline(355, 25,311, -53); Mline(311, -53,272, 25); Mline(272, 25,243, -132); Mline(243, -132,174, -132); Mline(52, -27,52, 67); Mline(52, 67,120, 67); Mline(120, 67,120, -27); Mline(120, -27,52, -27); Mline(10, -70,10, 110); Mline(10, 110,162, 110); Mline(162, 110,162, -70); Mline(162, -70,10, -70); Mline(-202, -108,-202, 139); Mline(-202,139,-45, 139); Mline(-45, 139,-45, 83); Mline(-45, 83,-150, 83); Mline(-150, 83,-150, 37); Mline(-150, 37,-45, 37); Mline(-45, 37,-45, -18); Mline(-45, -18,-150, -18); Mline(-150, -18,-150, -63); Mline(-150, -63,-45, -63); Mline(-45, -63,-45, -108); Mline(-45, -108,-202, -108); Mline(-453, 101,-453, -70); Mline(-453, -70,-396, -70); Mline(-396, -70,-347, -15); Mline(-347, -15,-299, -70); Mline(-299, -70,-247, -70); Mline(-247, -70,-242, -70); Mline(-242, -70,-242, 101); Mline(-242, 101,-247, 101); Mline(-247, 101,-299, 101); Mline(-299, 101,-299, 15); Mline(-299, 15,-347, 62); Mline(-347, 62,-396, 15); Mline(-396, 15,-396, 101); Mline(-396, 101,-453, 101); addChild(meow); meow.x = stage.mouseX /2+350; meow.y = stage.mouseY /2+140 ; meow.rotationY = stage.mouseX / 6; meow.rotationZ = stage.mouseX / 4; meow.rotationX = stage.mouseY / 2; rspeed = stage.mouseY /20 -10; if (mhc1 ==0 ) { mhc2++;} if (mhc2 >=600) {mhc1 =1;} if (mhc1 ==1) {mhc2--;} if (mhc2 <= 400) {mhc1=0;} meow.height = mhc2 ; //meow2.transform.matrix3D.interpolateTo(meow.transform.matrix3D, 0.1); } //thanks to http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Bresenham%27s_Line_Algorithm but //have modified the set pixels in a line math it a little for use without geome points and mofing rainbow function Mline(x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int) { calculate(x0, y0, x1, y1); } var randomyc=0; var randomys=0; var randomyc2=0; var randomys2=0; function calculate(x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int): void { var dx: int = Math.abs(x1 - x0); var dy: int = Math.abs(y1 - y0); var sx: int = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; var sy: int = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; var err: int = dx - dy; while (true) { colorsr += 0.481 + rspeed / 20; if (colorsr >= (rainbow.length)) { colorsr = 0; } var colf: uint = colorsr; meow.graphics.lineStyle(0.1,rainbow[colf], Math.random()*1); //meow.graphics.beginFill(rainbow[colf]); randomyc += Math.random()*3 ; if (randomyc >=20) { randomys= (Math.random()*20 -10);randomyc =0;} randomyc2 += Math.random()*2 ; //if (randomyc2 >=20) { randomys2= (Math.random()*20 -10);randomyc2 =0;} // if (randomyc <=150) { randomys= 0;} meow.graphics.drawRect(x0+ randomys, y0, Math.random()*14 -7, 4); // meow2.graphics.drawRect(x0+1, y0+1, 4, 4); if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) break; var e2: int = err * 2; if (e2 > -dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dx) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } //meow moving rainbow line ide by marderchen =^.^= do wath you want woth contend