import; import; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.FrameLabel; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.MovieClip import; import; import; var rainbow: Array = new Array("0xFF0000", "0xFF0300", "0xFF0600", "0xFF0900", "0xFF0C00", "0xFF0F00", "0xFF1200", "0xFF1500", "0xFF1800", "0xFF1B00", "0xFF1E00", "0xFF2100", "0xFF2400", "0xFF2700", "0xFF2A00", "0xFF2D00", "0xFF3000", "0xFF3400", "0xFF3700", "0xFF3A00", "0xFF3D00", "0xFF4000", "0xFF4300", "0xFF4600", "0xFF4900", "0xFF4C00", "0xFF4F00", "0xFF5200", "0xFF5500", "0xFF5800", "0xFF5B00", "0xFF5E00", "0xFF6100", "0xFF6400", "0xFF6800", "0xFF6B00", "0xFF6E00", "0xFF7100", "0xFF7400", "0xFF7700", "0xFF7A00", "0xFF7D00", "0xFF8000", "0xFF8300", "0xFF8600", "0xFF8900", "0xFF8C00", "0xFF8F00", "0xFF9200", "0xFF9500", "0xFF9900", "0xFF9C00", "0xFF9F00", "0xFFA200", "0xFFA500", "0xFFA800", "0xFFAB00", "0xFFAE00", "0xFFB100", "0xFFB400", "0xFFB700", "0xFFBA00", "0xFFBD00", "0xFFC000", "0xFFC300", "0xFFC600", "0xFFC900", "0xFFCD00", "0xFFD000", "0xFFD300", "0xFFD600", "0xFFD900", "0xFFDC00", "0xFFDF00", "0xFFE200", "0xFFE500", "0xFFE800", "0xFFEB00", "0xFFEE00", "0xFFF100", "0xFFF400", "0xFFF700", "0xFFFA00", "0xFFFD00", "0xFCFF00", "0xF9FF00", "0xF6FF00", "0xF3FF00", "0xF0FF00", "0xEDFF00", "0xEAFF00", "0xE7FF00", "0xE4FF00", "0xE1FF00", "0xDEFF00", "0xDBFF00", "0xD8FF00", "0xD5FF00", "0xD2FF00", "0xCFFF00", "0xCBFF00", "0xC8FF00", "0xC5FF00", "0xC2FF00", "0xBFFF00", "0xBCFF00", "0xB9FF00", "0xB6FF00", "0xB3FF00", "0xB0FF00", "0xADFF00", "0xAAFF00", "0xA7FF00", "0xA4FF00", "0xA1FF00", "0x9EFF00", "0x9BFF00", "0x97FF00", "0x94FF00", "0x91FF00", "0x8EFF00", "0x8BFF00", "0x88FF00", "0x85FF00", "0x82FF00", "0x7FFF00", "0x7CFF00", "0x79FF00", "0x76FF00", "0x73FF00", "0x70FF00", "0x6DFF00", "0x6AFF00", "0x67FF00", "0x63FF00", "0x60FF00", "0x5DFF00", "0x5AFF00", "0x57FF00", "0x54FF00", "0x51FF00", "0x4EFF00", "0x4BFF00", "0x48FF00", "0x45FF00", "0x42FF00", "0x3FFF00", "0x3CFF00", "0x39FF00", "0x36FF00", "0x32FF00", "0x2FFF00", "0x2CFF00", "0x29FF00", "0x26FF00", "0x23FF00", "0x20FF00", "0x1DFF00", "0x1AFF00", "0x17FF00", "0x14FF00", "0x11FF00", "0x0EFF00", "0x0BFF00", "0x08FF00", "0x05FF00", "0x02FF00", "0x00FF01", "0x00FF04", "0x00FF07", "0x00FF0A", "0x00FF0D", "0x00FF10", "0x00FF13", "0x00FF16", "0x00FF19", "0x00FF1C", "0x00FF1F", "0x00FF22", "0x00FF25", "0x00FF28", "0x00FF2B", "0x00FF2E", "0x00FF31", "0x00FF35", "0x00FF38", "0x00FF3B", "0x00FF3E", "0x00FF41", "0x00FF44", "0x00FF47", "0x00FF4A", "0x00FF4D", "0x00FF50", "0x00FF53", "0x00FF56", "0x00FF59", "0x00FF5C", "0x00FF5F", "0x00FF62", "0x00FF66", "0x00FF69", "0x00FF6C", "0x00FF6F", "0x00FF72", "0x00FF75", "0x00FF78", "0x00FF7B", "0x00FF7E", "0x00FF81", "0x00FF84", "0x00FF87", "0x00FF8A", "0x00FF8D", "0x00FF90", "0x00FF93", "0x00FF96", "0x00FF9A", "0x00FF9D", "0x00FFA0", "0x00FFA3", "0x00FFA6", "0x00FFA9", "0x00FFAC", "0x00FFAF", "0x00FFB2", "0x00FFB5", "0x00FFB8", "0x00FFBB", "0x00FFBE", "0x00FFC1", "0x00FFC4", "0x00FFC7", "0x00FFCA", "0x00FFCE", "0x00FFD1", "0x00FFD4", "0x00FFD7", "0x00FFDA", "0x00FFDD", "0x00FFE0", "0x00FFE3", "0x00FFE6", "0x00FFE9", "0x00FFEC", "0x00FFEF", "0x00FFF2", "0x00FFF5", "0x00FFF8", "0x00FFFB", "0x00FEFF", "0x00FBFF", "0x00F8FF", "0x00F5FF", "0x00F2FF", "0x00EFFF", "0x00ECFF", "0x00E9FF", "0x00E6FF", "0x00E3FF", "0x00E0FF", "0x00DDFF", "0x00DAFF", "0x00D7FF", "0x00D4FF", "0x00D1FF", "0x00CEFF", "0x00CAFF", "0x00C7FF", "0x00C4FF", "0x00C1FF", "0x00BEFF", "0x00BBFF", "0x00B8FF", "0x00B5FF", "0x00B2FF", "0x00AFFF", "0x00ACFF", "0x00A9FF", "0x00A6FF", "0x00A3FF", "0x00A0FF", "0x009DFF", "0x009AFF", "0x0096FF", "0x0093FF", "0x0090FF", "0x008DFF", "0x008AFF", "0x0087FF", "0x0084FF", "0x0081FF", "0x007EFF", "0x007BFF", "0x0078FF", "0x0075FF", "0x0072FF", "0x006FFF", "0x006CFF", "0x0069FF", "0x0065FF", "0x0062FF", "0x005FFF", "0x005CFF", "0x0059FF", "0x0056FF", "0x0053FF", "0x0050FF", "0x004DFF", "0x004AFF", "0x0047FF", "0x0044FF", "0x0041FF", "0x003EFF", "0x003BFF", "0x0038FF", "0x0035FF", "0x0031FF", "0x002EFF", "0x002BFF", "0x0028FF", "0x0025FF", "0x0022FF", "0x001FFF", "0x001CFF", "0x0019FF", "0x0016FF", "0x0013FF", "0x0010FF", "0x000DFF", "0x000AFF", "0x0007FF", "0x0004FF", "0x0001FF", "0x0200FF", "0x0500FF", "0x0800FF", "0x0B00FF", "0x0E00FF", "0x1100FF", "0x1400FF", "0x1700FF", "0x1A00FF", "0x1D00FF", "0x2000FF", "0x2300FF", "0x2600FF", "0x2900FF", "0x2C00FF", "0x2F00FF", "0x3200FF", "0x3600FF", "0x3900FF", "0x3C00FF", "0x3F00FF", "0x4200FF", "0x4500FF", "0x4800FF", "0x4B00FF", "0x4E00FF", "0x5100FF", "0x5400FF", "0x5700FF", "0x5A00FF", "0x5D00FF", "0x6000FF", "0x6300FF", "0x6700FF", "0x6A00FF", "0x6D00FF", "0x7000FF", "0x7300FF", "0x7600FF", "0x7900FF", "0x7C00FF", "0x7F00FF", "0x8200FF", "0x8500FF", "0x8800FF", "0x8B00FF", "0x8E00FF", "0x9100FF", "0x9400FF", "0x9700FF", "0x9B00FF", "0x9E00FF", "0xA100FF", "0xA400FF", "0xA700FF", "0xAA00FF", "0xAD00FF", "0xB000FF", "0xB300FF", "0xB600FF", "0xB900FF", "0xBC00FF", "0xBF00FF", "0xC200FF", "0xC500FF", "0xC800FF", "0xCC00FF", "0xCF00FF", "0xD200FF", "0xD500FF", "0xD800FF", "0xDB00FF", "0xDE00FF", "0xE100FF", "0xE400FF", "0xE700FF", "0xEA00FF", "0xED00FF", "0xF000FF", "0xF300FF", "0xF600FF", "0xF900FF", "0xFC00FF", "0xFF00FD", "0xFF00FA", "0xFF00F7", "0xFF00F4", "0xFF00F1", "0xFF00EE", "0xFF00EB", "0xFF00E8", "0xFF00E5", "0xFF00E2", "0xFF00DF", "0xFF00DC", "0xFF00D9", "0xFF00D6", "0xFF00D3", "0xFF00D0", "0xFF00CD", "0xFF00C9", "0xFF00C6", "0xFF00C3", "0xFF00C0", "0xFF00BD", "0xFF00BA", "0xFF00B7", "0xFF00B4", "0xFF00B1", "0xFF00AE", "0xFF00AB", "0xFF00A8", "0xFF00A5", "0xFF00A2", "0xFF009F", "0xFF009C", "0xFF0098", "0xFF0095", "0xFF0092", "0xFF008F", "0xFF008C", "0xFF0089", "0xFF0086", "0xFF0083", "0xFF0080", "0xFF007D", "0xFF007A", "0xFF0077", "0xFF0074", "0xFF0071", "0xFF006E", "0xFF006B", "0xFF0068", "0xFF0064", "0xFF0061", "0xFF005E", "0xFF005B", "0xFF0058", "0xFF0055", "0xFF0052", "0xFF004F", "0xFF004C", "0xFF0049", "0xFF0046", "0xFF0043", 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"0xFF4000", "0xFF4100", "0xFF4200", "0xFF4300", "0xFF4400", "0xFF4500", "0xFF4600", "0xFF4700", "0xFF4800", "0xFF4900", "0xFF4A00", "0xFF4B00", "0xFF4D00", "0xFF4E00", "0xFF4F00", "0xFF5000", "0xFF5100", "0xFF5200", "0xFF5300", "0xFF5400", "0xFF5500", "0xFF5600", "0xFF5700", "0xFF5800", "0xFF5A00", "0xFF5B00", "0xFF5C00", "0xFF5D00", "0xFF5E00", "0xFF5F00", "0xFF6000", "0xFF6100", "0xFF6200", "0xFF6300", "0xFF6400", "0xFF6600", "0xFF6700", "0xFF6800", "0xFF6900", "0xFF6A00", "0xFF6B00", "0xFF6C00", "0xFF6D00", "0xFF6E00", "0xFF6F00", "0xFF7000", "0xFF7100", "0xFF7300", "0xFF7400", "0xFF7500", "0xFF7600", "0xFF7700", "0xFF7800", "0xFF7900", "0xFF7A00", "0xFF7B00", "0xFF7C00", "0xFF7D00", "0xFF7E00", "0xFF8000", "0xFF8100", "0xFF8200", "0xFF8300", "0xFF8400", "0xFF8500", "0xFF8600", "0xFF8700", "0xFF8800", "0xFF8900", "0xFF8A00", "0xFF8B00", "0xFF8D00", "0xFF8E00", "0xFF8F00", "0xFF9000", "0xFF9100", "0xFF9200", "0xFF9300", "0xFF9400", "0xFF9500", "0xFF9600", "0xFF9700", "0xFF9900", "0xFF9A00", "0xFF9B00", "0xFF9C00", "0xFF9D00", "0xFF9E00", "0xFF9F00", "0xFFA000", "0xFFA100", "0xFFA200", "0xFFA300", "0xFFA400", "0xFFA600", "0xFFA700", "0xFFA800", "0xFFA900", "0xFFAA00", "0xFFAB00", "0xFFAC00", "0xFFAD00", "0xFFAE00", "0xFFAF00", "0xFFB000", "0xFFB100", "0xFFB300", "0xFFB400", "0xFFB500", "0xFFB600", "0xFFB700", "0xFFB800", "0xFFB900", "0xFFBA00", "0xFFBB00", "0xFFBC00", "0xFFBD00", "0xFFBE00", "0xFFC000", "0xFFC100", "0xFFC200", "0xFFC300", "0xFFC400", "0xFFC500", "0xFFC600", "0xFFC700", "0xFFC800", "0xFFC900", "0xFFCA00", "0xFFCC00", "0xFFCD00", "0xFFCE00", "0xFFCF00", "0xFFD000", "0xFFD100", "0xFFD200", "0xFFD300", "0xFFD400", "0xFFD500", "0xFFD600", "0xFFD700", "0xFFD900", "0xFFDA00", "0xFFDB00", "0xFFDC00", "0xFFDD00", "0xFFDE00", "0xFFDF00", "0xFFE000", "0xFFE100", "0xFFE200", "0xFFE300", "0xFFE400", "0xFFE600", "0xFFE700", "0xFFE800", "0xFFE900", "0xFFEA00", "0xFFEB00", "0xFFEC00", "0xFFED00", "0xFFEE00", "0xFFEF00", "0xFFF000", "0xFFF100", "0xFFF300", "0xFFF400", "0xFFF500", "0xFFF600", "0xFFF700", "0xFFF800", "0xFFF900", "0xFFFA00", "0xFFFB00", "0xFFFC00", "0xFFFD00", "0xFFFF00", "0xFDFF00", "0xFCFF00", "0xFBFF00", "0xFAFF00", "0xF9FF00", "0xF8FF00", "0xF7FF00", "0xF6FF00", "0xF5FF00", "0xF4FF00", "0xF3FF00", "0xF1FF00", "0xF0FF00", "0xEFFF00", "0xEEFF00", "0xEDFF00", "0xECFF00", "0xEBFF00", "0xEAFF00", "0xE9FF00", "0xE8FF00", "0xE7FF00", "0xE6FF00", "0xE4FF00", "0xE3FF00", "0xE2FF00", "0xE1FF00", "0xE0FF00", "0xDFFF00", "0xDEFF00", "0xDDFF00", "0xDCFF00", "0xDBFF00", "0xDAFF00", "0xD9FF00", "0xD7FF00", "0xD6FF00", "0xD5FF00", "0xD4FF00", "0xD3FF00", "0xD2FF00", "0xD1FF00", "0xD0FF00", "0xCFFF00", "0xCEFF00", "0xCDFF00", "0xCBFF00", "0xCAFF00", "0xC9FF00", "0xC8FF00", "0xC7FF00", "0xC6FF00", "0xC5FF00", "0xC4FF00", "0xC3FF00", "0xC2FF00", "0xC1FF00", "0xC0FF00", "0xBEFF00", "0xBDFF00", "0xBCFF00", "0xBBFF00", "0xBAFF00", "0xB9FF00", "0xB8FF00", "0xB7FF00", "0xB6FF00", "0xB5FF00", "0xB4FF00", "0xB3FF00", "0xB1FF00", "0xB0FF00", 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"0x00FF04", "0x00FF05", "0x00FF06", "0x00FF07", "0x00FF08", "0x00FF09", "0x00FF0A", "0x00FF0B", "0x00FF0D", "0x00FF0E", "0x00FF0F", "0x00FF10", "0x00FF11", "0x00FF12", "0x00FF13", "0x00FF14", "0x00FF15", "0x00FF16", "0x00FF17", "0x00FF18", "0x00FF1A", "0x00FF1B", "0x00FF1C", "0x00FF1D", "0x00FF1E", "0x00FF1F", "0x00FF20", "0x00FF21", "0x00FF22", "0x00FF23", "0x00FF24", "0x00FF25", "0x00FF27", "0x00FF28", "0x00FF29", "0x00FF2A", "0x00FF2B", "0x00FF2C", "0x00FF2D", "0x00FF2E", "0x00FF2F", "0x00FF30", "0x00FF31", "0x00FF32", "0x00FF34", "0x00FF35", "0x00FF36", "0x00FF37", "0x00FF38", "0x00FF39", "0x00FF3A", "0x00FF3B", "0x00FF3C", "0x00FF3D", "0x00FF3E", "0x00FF40", "0x00FF41", "0x00FF42", "0x00FF43", "0x00FF44", "0x00FF45", "0x00FF46", "0x00FF47", "0x00FF48", "0x00FF49", "0x00FF4A", "0x00FF4B", "0x00FF4D", "0x00FF4E", "0x00FF4F", "0x00FF50", "0x00FF51", "0x00FF52", "0x00FF53", "0x00FF54", "0x00FF55", "0x00FF56", "0x00FF57", "0x00FF58", "0x00FF5A", "0x00FF5B", "0x00FF5C", "0x00FF5D", "0x00FF5E", "0x00FF5F", "0x00FF60", "0x00FF61", "0x00FF62", "0x00FF63", "0x00FF64", "0x00FF66", "0x00FF67", "0x00FF68", "0x00FF69", "0x00FF6A", "0x00FF6B", "0x00FF6C", "0x00FF6D", "0x00FF6E", "0x00FF6F", "0x00FF70", "0x00FF71", "0x00FF73", "0x00FF74", "0x00FF75", "0x00FF76", "0x00FF77", "0x00FF78", "0x00FF79", "0x00FF7A", "0x00FF7B", "0x00FF7C", "0x00FF7D", "0x00FF7E", "0x00FF80", "0x00FF81", "0x00FF82", "0x00FF83", "0x00FF84", "0x00FF85", "0x00FF86", "0x00FF87", "0x00FF88", "0x00FF89", "0x00FF8A", "0x00FF8B", "0x00FF8D", "0x00FF8E", "0x00FF8F", "0x00FF90", "0x00FF91", "0x00FF92", "0x00FF93", "0x00FF94", "0x00FF95", "0x00FF96", "0x00FF97", "0x00FF99", "0x00FF9A", "0x00FF9B", "0x00FF9C", "0x00FF9D", "0x00FF9E", "0x00FF9F", "0x00FFA0", "0x00FFA1", "0x00FFA2", "0x00FFA3", "0x00FFA4", "0x00FFA6", "0x00FFA7", "0x00FFA8", "0x00FFA9", "0x00FFAA", "0x00FFAB", "0x00FFAC", "0x00FFAD", "0x00FFAE", "0x00FFAF", "0x00FFB0", "0x00FFB1", "0x00FFB3", "0x00FFB4", "0x00FFB5", "0x00FFB6", "0x00FFB7", "0x00FFB8", "0x00FFB9", "0x00FFBA", "0x00FFBB", "0x00FFBC", "0x00FFBD", "0x00FFBE", "0x00FFC0", "0x00FFC1", "0x00FFC2", "0x00FFC3", "0x00FFC4", "0x00FFC5", "0x00FFC6", "0x00FFC7", "0x00FFC8", "0x00FFC9", "0x00FFCA", "0x00FFCC", "0x00FFCD", "0x00FFCE", "0x00FFCF", "0x00FFD0", "0x00FFD1", "0x00FFD2", "0x00FFD3", "0x00FFD4", "0x00FFD5", "0x00FFD6", "0x00FFD7", "0x00FFD9", "0x00FFDA", "0x00FFDB", "0x00FFDC", "0x00FFDD", "0x00FFDE", "0x00FFDF", "0x00FFE0", "0x00FFE1", "0x00FFE2", "0x00FFE3", "0x00FFE4", "0x00FFE6", "0x00FFE7", "0x00FFE8", "0x00FFE9", "0x00FFEA", "0x00FFEB", "0x00FFEC", "0x00FFED", "0x00FFEE", "0x00FFEF", "0x00FFF0", "0x00FFF1", "0x00FFF3", "0x00FFF4", "0x00FFF5", "0x00FFF6", "0x00FFF7", "0x00FFF8", "0x00FFF9", "0x00FFFA", "0x00FFFB", "0x00FFFC", "0x00FFFD", "0x00FEFF", "0x00FDFF", "0x00FCFF", "0x00FBFF", "0x00FAFF", "0x00F9FF", "0x00F8FF", "0x00F7FF", "0x00F6FF", "0x00F5FF", "0x00F4FF", "0x00F3FF", "0x00F1FF", "0x00F0FF", "0x00EFFF", "0x00EEFF", "0x00EDFF", "0x00ECFF", "0x00EBFF", "0x00EAFF", "0x00E9FF", "0x00E8FF", "0x00E7FF", "0x00E6FF", "0x00E4FF", "0x00E3FF", "0x00E2FF", "0x00E1FF", "0x00E0FF", "0x00DFFF", "0x00DEFF", "0x00DDFF", "0x00DCFF", "0x00DBFF", "0x00DAFF", "0x00D9FF", "0x00D7FF", "0x00D6FF", "0x00D5FF", "0x00D4FF", "0x00D3FF", "0x00D2FF", "0x00D1FF", "0x00D0FF", "0x00CFFF", "0x00CEFF", "0x00CDFF", "0x00CBFF", "0x00CAFF", "0x00C9FF", "0x00C8FF", "0x00C7FF", "0x00C6FF", "0x00C5FF", "0x00C4FF", "0x00C3FF", "0x00C2FF", "0x00C1FF", "0x00C0FF", "0x00BEFF", "0x00BDFF", "0x00BCFF", "0x00BBFF", "0x00BAFF", "0x00B9FF", "0x00B8FF", "0x00B7FF", "0x00B6FF", "0x00B5FF", "0x00B4FF", "0x00B3FF", "0x00B1FF", "0x00B0FF", "0x00AFFF", "0x00AEFF", "0x00ADFF", "0x00ACFF", "0x00ABFF", "0x00AAFF", "0x00A9FF", "0x00A8FF", "0x00A7FF", "0x00A6FF", "0x00A4FF", "0x00A3FF", "0x00A2FF", "0x00A1FF", "0x00A0FF", "0x009FFF", "0x009EFF", "0x009DFF", "0x009CFF", "0x009BFF", "0x009AFF", "0x0098FF", "0x0097FF", "0x0096FF", "0x0095FF", "0x0094FF", "0x0093FF", "0x0092FF", "0x0091FF", "0x0090FF", "0x008FFF", "0x008EFF", "0x008DFF", "0x008BFF", "0x008AFF", "0x0089FF", "0x0088FF", "0x0087FF", "0x0086FF", "0x0085FF", "0x0084FF", "0x0083FF", "0x0082FF", "0x0081FF", "0x0080FF", "0x007EFF", "0x007DFF", "0x007CFF", "0x007BFF", "0x007AFF", "0x0079FF", "0x0078FF", "0x0077FF", "0x0076FF", "0x0075FF", "0x0074FF", "0x0073FF", "0x0071FF", "0x0070FF", "0x006FFF", "0x006EFF", "0x006DFF", "0x006CFF", "0x006BFF", "0x006AFF", "0x0069FF", "0x0068FF", "0x0067FF", "0x0065FF", "0x0064FF", "0x0063FF", "0x0062FF", "0x0061FF", "0x0060FF", "0x005FFF", "0x005EFF", "0x005DFF", "0x005CFF", "0x005BFF", "0x005AFF", "0x0058FF", "0x0057FF", "0x0056FF", "0x0055FF", "0x0054FF", "0x0053FF", "0x0052FF", "0x0051FF", "0x0050FF", "0x004FFF", "0x004EFF", "0x004DFF", "0x004BFF", "0x004AFF", "0x0049FF", "0x0048FF", "0x0047FF", "0x0046FF", "0x0045FF", "0x0044FF", "0x0043FF", "0x0042FF", "0x0041FF", "0x0040FF", "0x003EFF", "0x003DFF", "0x003CFF", "0x003BFF", "0x003AFF", "0x0039FF", "0x0038FF", "0x0037FF", "0x0036FF", "0x0035FF", "0x0034FF", "0x0032FF", "0x0031FF", "0x0030FF", "0x002FFF", "0x002EFF", "0x002DFF", "0x002CFF", "0x002BFF", "0x002AFF", "0x0029FF", "0x0028FF", "0x0027FF", "0x0025FF", "0x0024FF", "0x0023FF", "0x0022FF", "0x0021FF", "0x0020FF", "0x001FFF", "0x001EFF", "0x001DFF", "0x001CFF", "0x001BFF", "0x001AFF", "0x0018FF", "0x0017FF", "0x0016FF", "0x0015FF", "0x0014FF", "0x0013FF", "0x0012FF", "0x0011FF", "0x0010FF", "0x000FFF", "0x000EFF", "0x000DFF", "0x000BFF", "0x000AFF", "0x0009FF", "0x0008FF", "0x0007FF", "0x0006FF", "0x0005FF", "0x0004FF", "0x0003FF", "0x0002FF", "0x0001FF", "0x0000FF", "0x0100FF", "0x0200FF", "0x0300FF", "0x0400FF", "0x0500FF", "0x0600FF", "0x0700FF", "0x0800FF", "0x0900FF", "0x0A00FF", "0x0B00FF", "0x0D00FF", "0x0E00FF", "0x0F00FF", "0x1000FF", "0x1100FF", "0x1200FF", "0x1300FF", "0x1400FF", "0x1500FF", "0x1600FF", "0x1700FF", "0x1800FF", "0x1A00FF", "0x1B00FF", "0x1C00FF", "0x1D00FF", "0x1E00FF", "0x1F00FF", "0x2000FF", "0x2100FF", "0x2200FF", "0x2300FF", "0x2400FF", "0x2500FF", "0x2700FF", "0x2800FF", "0x2900FF", "0x2A00FF", "0x2B00FF", "0x2C00FF", "0x2D00FF", "0x2E00FF", "0x2F00FF", "0x3000FF", "0x3100FF", "0x3200FF", "0x3400FF", "0x3500FF", "0x3600FF", "0x3700FF", "0x3800FF", "0x3900FF", "0x3A00FF", "0x3B00FF", "0x3C00FF", "0x3D00FF", "0x3E00FF", "0x4000FF", "0x4100FF", "0x4200FF", "0x4300FF", "0x4400FF", "0x4500FF", "0x4600FF", "0x4700FF", "0x4800FF", "0x4900FF", "0x4A00FF", "0x4B00FF", "0x4D00FF", "0x4E00FF", "0x4F00FF", "0x5000FF", "0x5100FF", "0x5200FF", "0x5300FF", "0x5400FF", "0x5500FF", "0x5600FF", "0x5700FF", "0x5800FF", "0x5A00FF", "0x5B00FF", "0x5C00FF", "0x5D00FF", "0x5E00FF", "0x5F00FF", "0x6000FF", "0x6100FF", "0x6200FF", "0x6300FF", "0x6400FF", "0x6500FF", "0x6700FF", "0x6800FF", "0x6900FF", "0x6A00FF", "0x6B00FF", "0x6C00FF", "0x6D00FF", "0x6E00FF", "0x6F00FF", "0x7000FF", "0x7100FF", "0x7300FF", "0x7400FF", "0x7500FF", "0x7600FF", "0x7700FF", "0x7800FF", "0x7900FF", "0x7A00FF", "0x7B00FF", "0x7C00FF", "0x7D00FF", "0x7E00FF", "0x8000FF", "0x8100FF", "0x8200FF", "0x8300FF", "0x8400FF", "0x8500FF", "0x8600FF", "0x8700FF", "0x8800FF", "0x8900FF", "0x8A00FF", "0x8B00FF", "0x8D00FF", "0x8E00FF", "0x8F00FF", "0x9000FF", "0x9100FF", "0x9200FF", "0x9300FF", "0x9400FF", "0x9500FF", "0x9600FF", "0x9700FF", "0x9900FF", "0x9A00FF", "0x9B00FF", "0x9C00FF", "0x9D00FF", "0x9E00FF", "0x9F00FF", "0xA000FF", "0xA100FF", "0xA200FF", "0xA300FF", "0xA400FF", "0xA600FF", "0xA700FF", "0xA800FF", "0xA900FF", "0xAA00FF", "0xAB00FF", "0xAC00FF", "0xAD00FF", "0xAE00FF", "0xAF00FF", "0xB000FF", "0xB100FF", "0xB300FF", "0xB400FF", "0xB500FF", "0xB600FF", "0xB700FF", "0xB800FF", "0xB900FF", "0xBA00FF", "0xBB00FF", "0xBC00FF", "0xBD00FF", "0xBE00FF", "0xC000FF", "0xC100FF", "0xC200FF", "0xC300FF", "0xC400FF", "0xC500FF", "0xC600FF", "0xC700FF", "0xC800FF", "0xC900FF", "0xCA00FF", "0xCC00FF", "0xCD00FF", "0xCE00FF", "0xCF00FF", "0xD000FF", "0xD100FF", "0xD200FF", "0xD300FF", "0xD400FF", "0xD500FF", "0xD600FF", "0xD700FF", "0xD900FF", "0xDA00FF", "0xDB00FF", "0xDC00FF", "0xDD00FF", "0xDE00FF", "0xDF00FF", "0xE000FF", "0xE100FF", "0xE200FF", "0xE300FF", "0xE400FF", "0xE600FF", "0xE700FF", "0xE800FF", "0xE900FF", "0xEA00FF", "0xEB00FF", "0xEC00FF", "0xED00FF", "0xEE00FF", "0xEF00FF", "0xF000FF", "0xF100FF", "0xF300FF", "0xF400FF", "0xF500FF", "0xF600FF", "0xF700FF", "0xF800FF", "0xF900FF", "0xFA00FF", "0xFB00FF", "0xFC00FF", "0xFD00FF", "0xFF00FE", "0xFF00FD", "0xFF00FC", "0xFF00FB", "0xFF00FA", "0xFF00F9", "0xFF00F8", "0xFF00F7", "0xFF00F6", "0xFF00F5", "0xFF00F4", "0xFF00F3", "0xFF00F1", "0xFF00F0", "0xFF00EF", "0xFF00EE", "0xFF00ED", "0xFF00EC", "0xFF00EB", "0xFF00EA", "0xFF00E9", "0xFF00E8", "0xFF00E7", "0xFF00E6", "0xFF00E4", "0xFF00E3", "0xFF00E2", "0xFF00E1", "0xFF00E0", "0xFF00DF", "0xFF00DE", "0xFF00DD", "0xFF00DC", "0xFF00DB", "0xFF00DA", "0xFF00D9", "0xFF00D7", "0xFF00D6", "0xFF00D5", "0xFF00D4", "0xFF00D3", "0xFF00D2", "0xFF00D1", "0xFF00D0", "0xFF00CF", "0xFF00CE", "0xFF00CD", "0xFF00CB", "0xFF00CA", "0xFF00C9", "0xFF00C8", "0xFF00C7", "0xFF00C6", "0xFF00C5", "0xFF00C4", "0xFF00C3", "0xFF00C2", "0xFF00C1", "0xFF00C0", "0xFF00BE", "0xFF00BD", "0xFF00BC", "0xFF00BB", "0xFF00BA", "0xFF00B9", "0xFF00B8", "0xFF00B7", "0xFF00B6", "0xFF00B5", "0xFF00B4", "0xFF00B3", "0xFF00B1", "0xFF00B0", "0xFF00AF", "0xFF00AE", "0xFF00AD", "0xFF00AC", "0xFF00AB", "0xFF00AA", "0xFF00A9", "0xFF00A8", "0xFF00A7", "0xFF00A6", "0xFF00A4", "0xFF00A3", "0xFF00A2", "0xFF00A1", "0xFF00A0", "0xFF009F", "0xFF009E", "0xFF009D", "0xFF009C", "0xFF009B", "0xFF009A", "0xFF0098", "0xFF0097", "0xFF0096", "0xFF0095", "0xFF0094", "0xFF0093", "0xFF0092", "0xFF0091", "0xFF0090", "0xFF008F", "0xFF008E", "0xFF008D", "0xFF008B", "0xFF008A", "0xFF0089", "0xFF0088", "0xFF0087", "0xFF0086", "0xFF0085", "0xFF0084", "0xFF0083", "0xFF0082", "0xFF0081", "0xFF0080", "0xFF007E", "0xFF007D", "0xFF007C", "0xFF007B", "0xFF007A", "0xFF0079", "0xFF0078", "0xFF0077", "0xFF0076", "0xFF0075", "0xFF0074", "0xFF0073", "0xFF0071", "0xFF0070", "0xFF006F", "0xFF006E", "0xFF006D", "0xFF006C", "0xFF006B", "0xFF006A", "0xFF0069", "0xFF0068", "0xFF0067", "0xFF0065", "0xFF0064", "0xFF0063", "0xFF0062", "0xFF0061", "0xFF0060", "0xFF005F", "0xFF005E", "0xFF005D", "0xFF005C", "0xFF005B", "0xFF005A", "0xFF0058", "0xFF0057", "0xFF0056", "0xFF0055", "0xFF0054", "0xFF0053", "0xFF0052", "0xFF0051", "0xFF0050", "0xFF004F", "0xFF004E", "0xFF004D", "0xFF004B", "0xFF004A", "0xFF0049", "0xFF0048", "0xFF0047", "0xFF0046", "0xFF0045", "0xFF0044", "0xFF0043", "0xFF0042", "0xFF0041", "0xFF0040", "0xFF003E", "0xFF003D", "0xFF003C", "0xFF003B", "0xFF003A", "0xFF0039", "0xFF0038", "0xFF0037", "0xFF0036", "0xFF0035", "0xFF0034", "0xFF0032", "0xFF0031", "0xFF0030", "0xFF002F", "0xFF002E", "0xFF002D", "0xFF002C", "0xFF002B", "0xFF002A", "0xFF0029", "0xFF0028", "0xFF0027", "0xFF0025", "0xFF0024", "0xFF0023", "0xFF0022", "0xFF0021", "0xFF0020", "0xFF001F", "0xFF001E", "0xFF001D", "0xFF001C", "0xFF001B", "0xFF001A", "0xFF0018", "0xFF0017", "0xFF0016", "0xFF0015", "0xFF0014", "0xFF0013", "0xFF0012", "0xFF0011", "0xFF0010", "0xFF000F", "0xFF000E", "0xFF000D", "0xFF000B", "0xFF000A", "0xFF0009", "0xFF0008", "0xFF0007", "0xFF0006", "0xFF0005", "0xFF0004", "0xFF0003", "0xFF0002", "0xFF0001"); var tet: Array = new Array("MEOW", "DOOM", "=^.^=", "time", "Hihihi", "meow", "mew", "purr", "PURRRR", "Quick", "MEOW", "Blubb", "Flausch", "SOL", "MEOW", ">^.^<", "scratch!", "DOOOM", "YAAY", "wusel", "quick", "squirm", "MEOW", ">MEW<", "^.^", "!?!?!!", "COLORS", "FINE", "MEOW", "meow", "CAT", "pinky", "POWER"); var center: Sprite = new Sprite();addChild(center); var blinblin: Sprite=new Sprite();addChild(blinblin); var tubestream: Sprite = new Sprite();addChild(tubestream); var rotationswinkel:Array=new Array(); var testit:Sprite=new Sprite();addChild(testit); var stwidth=800; var sthigh=600; var stary:Sprite=new Sprite();addChild(stary); var centerR=60; var rotier=30;var sinfrei=49;//sinfrei = dokumentfps optimized for Montti music var barlang=301;var barhoch=31;var baroutfade=0.975;var scrollspeed=4,weisdasnicht=0,isoncount=0; var ba: ByteArray = new ByteArray(); //creating the stuff XD oh flash have never changed but my way to using it always :3 var bar1:Sprite = new Sprite();var bb1: BitmapData = new BitmapData(barlang+1+centerR, barhoch+1, true, 0xFFFFFF);var bc1: ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();var bc2: ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();var bc3: ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();var bc4: ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(); var br1: Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, barlang+centerR+1, barhoch);var barr1: Bitmap = new Bitmap(bb1);addChild(barr1); var thelines:Sprite = new Sprite();addChild(thelines); //feeling sthe stuff var sqsteps=40; var diffider=2; var chanmatrixX=48; var chanmatrixY=48; var channels=chanmatrixX*chanmatrixY; var farbencach:Array=new Array(); for (var a: uint = a; a <=(sqsteps+1); a++) { //rotationswinkel.push(a*rotier); farbencach.push(Math.round(((rainbowl.length)/sqsteps)*a)); } //mattestuff caused have created cute ordered chaos for stm32F103C8T6 ledblinkingstuff and also can use this here# just changing C++ intvalues/syntax into java var beatsplit=1;var newtrigger=0,counter=0,beathalf=1,beatway=0,plode=0,nenbeat=0; var strop:Array=new Array();//[20] var helligkeiten:Array=new Array();//[20][20] var blinkdata:Array=new Array();//[10][20] var colormaker:Array=new Array(); var blury: GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();var blury2: GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(); for (var hihi: uint=0; hihi <=(channels+1); hihi++) {strop.push(5);helligkeiten.push(20);colormaker.push(Math.round((rainbowl.length/channels)*hihi));} for (var huhu: uint=0; huhu <=(channels+1); huhu++) {var blinkdatahelper:Array=new Array();blinkdata.push(blinkdatahelper);//blinkdata.push(blinkdatahelper);} for (var haha=0; haha <=(sqsteps+1); haha++) {blinkdata[huhu].push(3);}}//crapy why must be so complicated to get this blinkdata[zahl][zahl] var spacingx=0,spacingy=0,fabrer=0,positor=0,xziel,yziel,xad,yad,xist=0,uper=0,yist=0,weisnicht=0; addChild(bar1); ratemal(); function everyframe(){ spacingx=Math.round(stwidth/chanmatrixX); spacingy=Math.round(sthigh/chanmatrixY); if(beatway<=0){beathalf+=1;}if(beathalf>=20){beatway=2;nenbeat=1;}if(beatway>=2){beathalf--;}if(beathalf<=1){beatway=0;nenbeat=1;} for(var fu:uint=0;fu=5){strop[fu]-=5;}} everyxframe();}//downfade var merkdirdas=0,dahinz,countys; function everyxframe(){ xad=spacingx/4;yad=spacingy/4;if(weisnicht >1){;} beatsplit++;if (beatsplit >40){;beatsplit=1;newtrigger++;weisnicht++; if(weisnicht>2){weisnicht=1;}if(newtrigger>12){diffider=Math.round((Math.random()*2+1)*2);newtrigger=Math.round(Math.random()*3+1)*2;ratemal();}} //test herestrop[2]=100; dahinz=Math.round(beatsplit/diffider); if((Math.round(beatsplit)%diffider)==0){if(weisnicht <=1){;} for(var fiz=0;fiz5){ xziel=sap; yziel=zap; for(var zep=0; zep<(chanmatrixX+chanmatrixY)/1.5;zep++){[colormaker[countys]]); getthemallx(xziel,spacingx/1.6); getthemally(yziel,spacingy/1.4);,yist+spacingy/2-yad/2,xad,yad);}schiebung(); }}}} blury.blurX = rwusch*5; blury.blurY = mwusch*3;uper++;if(uper>rainbow.length){uper=0;} blury.color = rainbow[uper]; thelines.filters = [blury];} function schiebung(){colormaker.push(colormaker[0]);colormaker.splice(0,1);colormaker.push(colormaker[0]);colormaker.splice(0,1);colormaker.push(colormaker[0]);colormaker.splice(0,1);} function getthemallx(xser: int,stepwitdhx: int){ if (xist < (xser-stepwitdhx)){xist+=stepwitdhx;} if (xist > (xser+stepwitdhx)){xist-=stepwitdhx;}} function getthemally(yser: int,stepwitdhy: int){ if (yist < (yser-stepwitdhy)){yist+=stepwitdhy;} if (yist > (yser+stepwitdhy)){yist-=stepwitdhy;}} var mehrzufal=0; function ratemal(){ for(var tik:uint=0;tik<=sqsteps;tik++){for(var tok:uint=0;tok<=channels;tok++){blinkdata[tik][tok]=0;}} for(var wusch:uint=0;wusch=1){isoncount++;}}}if(isoncount<=2){ratemal();}}//try solong until minimum 3flashes/sequenz //changing the stuff function malbars(){; positor=0; for(var s=0; s<(stwidth-spacingx);s+=spacingx){for(var sup=0; sup<(sthigh-spacingy);sup+=spacingy){ positor++;[colormaker[positor]]); if(strop[positor]>5){,sup,spacingx,spacingy); } }}}//test here,100,10,10);trace(strop[10]); var meowlag=0; function updatecircle(){ if(meowlag==1){createtube(stwidth,512,10,10);} meowlag++;if(meowlag>=2){meowlag=0;zeigantwort(0,"Sound: BitKit - Don't wait (modet :3 also like BitKit)",12);} tubestream.alpha=0.05+(beathalf/30); blinblin.alpha=0.5-(beathalf/20); } var data = new Array(); var s0: SoundChannel; var psy: Sound; var xtext: TextField = new TextField(); var xformat: TextFormat = new TextFormat(); stop(); if (!psy) { psy = new psyx(); s0 =, 9999); } Mouse.hide(); stage.quality = "low"; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, madebys); function madebys(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_1) {weisdasnicht++;trace(weisdasnicht);} if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_2) {weisdasnicht--;trace(weisdasnicht);} if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_3) {sinfrei++;trace(sinfrei);stage.frameRate=sinfrei;} if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_4) {sinfrei--;trace(sinfrei);stage.frameRate=sinfrei;} if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_5) {} if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_6) {} } addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loopa); function loopa(e: Event) { machkram(); } var mux=1,lwusch,mwusch,rwusch; var colorss:Array=new Array(); var brigths:Array=new Array(); for (var i: uint = 0; i < 57; i++) { colorss.push(Math.round(Math.random()*255)); brigths.push(Math.round(255)); } function machkram() { soundwusel(); everyframe(); updatecircle(); malbars(); maussternchen(); } var wielaut = new SoundTransform(); function soundwusel() { wielaut.volume = mux; s0.soundTransform = wielaut; SoundMixer.computeSpectrum(ba, true); for (var i: uint = 0; i < 256; i++) { var randoms=Math.round(Math.random() * i); if (i == 50) {lwusch = ba.readFloat() * 10;} if (i == 24) {mwusch = ba.readFloat() * 400;} if (i == 10) {rwusch = ba.readFloat() * 300;} if (i <56) { if(colorss[i] <240 && colorss[i] < (ba.readFloat() * 200)){colorss[i] += 2;} if(colorss[i] >12 && colorss[i] > (ba.readFloat() * 200)){colorss[i] -= 4;} }}} var chaosyc3=0;var starspeed=3;var stsize=20; function maussternchen() {, stage.mouseY); + Math.random() * stsize, stage.mouseY + Math.random() * stsize); chaosyc3 += starspeed; / 4 + 1, (rainbow[Math.round(chaosyc3)]), 1);, stage.mouseY); + Math.random() * stsize, stage.mouseY - Math.random() * stsize); chaosyc3 += starspeed; / 4 + 1, (rainbow[Math.round(chaosyc3)]), 1);, stage.mouseY); - Math.random() * stsize, stage.mouseY - Math.random() * stsize); chaosyc3 += starspeed; / 4 + 1, (rainbow[Math.round(chaosyc3)]), 1);, stage.mouseY); - Math.random() * stsize, stage.mouseY + Math.random() * stsize); chaosyc3 += starspeed; / 4 + 1, (rainbow[Math.round(chaosyc3)]), 1);, stage.mouseY); if (chaosyc3 > (rainbow.length - 7)) { chaosyc3 = 0; } } //meowline var randomys,randomyc,randomyc2,colorsr,space,xcahc;var meow:Sprite=new Sprite();addChild(meow); function wuselline(x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int, speedsy: int, chaos: int, lintzy: int, spacey: int, startcolor: int, festcolor: int): void { var dx: int = Math.abs(x1 - x0);var dy: int = Math.abs(y1 - y0);var sx: int = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1;var sy: int = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1;var err: int = dx - dy; if (startcolor >= 0) {colorsr = startcolor;} while (true) { if (startcolor <= -1) { colorsr += speedsy / 7;} if (startcolor >= 0) {colorsr += speedsy / 7;} if (festcolor >= 1) {colorsr = festcolor;} if (colorsr >= (rainbowl.length)) { colorsr = 0; }, rainbowl[Math.round(colorsr)], Math.random() * 1); randomyc += Math.random() * (chaos * 3); if (randomyc >= 20) { randomys = (Math.random() * 10 - 5); randomyc = 0; } if (randomyc >10) {randomys=chaos;} randomyc2 += Math.random() * chaos; space += Math.random() * 1; if (space > spacey) { colorsr += 2; + randomys, y0 + xcahc / 15); + randomys)+ Math.random() * lintzy,y0 + xcahc / 15+ (Math.random() * (lintzy))); space = 0;} if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1)break;var e2: int = err * 2; if (e2 > -dx) {err -= dy;x0 += sx;}if (e2 < dx) {err += dx;y0 += sy;}}} function wuselrect(eckex: int, eckey: int, breit: int, hoch: int, colorspeed: int, chaos: int, thikines: int, spaceyy) { wuselline(eckex, eckey, eckex + breit, eckey, colorspeed, chaos, thikines, spaceyy, -2,0); wuselline(eckex + breit, eckey, eckex + breit, eckey + hoch, colorspeed, chaos, thikines, spaceyy, -2,0); wuselline(eckex + breit, eckey + hoch, eckex, eckey + hoch, colorspeed, chaos, thikines, spaceyy, -2,0); wuselline(eckex, eckey + hoch, eckex, eckey, colorspeed, chaos, thikines, spaceyy, -2,0); } var basisstart= 30; var balkenzmenge=60; var balkenzist=0; var tubedata: Array = new Array(); var einmal =0; var adposy=0; var adposx=-40; var schwank =0; var schwankm=0; var isan=1; var woo=3; var poso=0; var posl=0; var posr=0; var posu=0; var post=0; var posstep=0; var switchrand=0.02,correction=0; function createtube(stagewidth:int,stageheight:int,adposxr: int,adposyr:int){ //for (var ids = basisstart; ids < balkenzmenge; ids++) { tubestream.rotationX=-10+beathalf;tubestream.rotationY=-10+beathalf; blinblin.rotationX=-10+beathalf;blinblin.rotationY=-10+beathalf; if (schwankm ==0) {schwank+=2.3;} if (schwankm ==1) {schwank-=2.3} if (schwank <-10) {schwankm=0;} if (schwank >10) {schwankm=1;} adposx=schwank+adposxr; if(einmal ==0) { wuzeltube(stagewidth/2-basisstart*1.78,stageheight/2-basisstart,Math.random()*1+5, 800,1); wuzeltube(stagewidth/2+basisstart*1.78,stageheight/2-basisstart,Math.random()*1+5, 800,1); wuzeltube(stagewidth/2+basisstart*1.78,stageheight/2+basisstart,Math.random()*1+5, 800,1); wuzeltube(stagewidth/2-basisstart*1.78,stageheight/2+basisstart,Math.random()*1+5, 800,1); einmal++;} else { drawzt(stagewidth,stageheight,adposx,adposy); gogogo(); } } var blincol =0; function wuzeltube(poszx: int,poszy: int,fasty: Number,colort: int,dick: int) { var colorix = Math.random()*150 +colort; var colorixfasty = Math.random()*20; var balkens: Array = new Array (poszx,poszy,fasty,colort,dick,colorixfasty,0,blincol,woo,isan); tubedata.push(balkens); } function gogogo() { } var abstandb =-100; var abstand =-20; var vorrueck=1; var stickscolor1=100; var stickscolor2=200; var stickswidth=1; var stickcolorchaos=0; var mover=0; var chaosorder=0; var speetzi=1,adposf=0; function drawzt(stagewidth:int,stageheight:int,adposx: int,adposy:int){ tubestream.y=correction; tubestream.x=lwusch/20-20; blinblin.y=correction; blinblin.x=lwusch/20-20;;; abstandb-=1; adposf=adposx; if (abstandb < -28) {abstandb =-20;} abstand = abstandb; if (einmal !=0) { for (var isy = 0; isy < balkenzmenge; isy+=1) { if (abstand<-0.8 || abstand > 1.1){ if (vorrueck==0 && abstand <0){[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /abstand);[1][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[1][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[1][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[1][1]+adposy) /abstand);[1][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[1][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[1][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[1][1]+adposy) /abstand);[1][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[1][3])], 1);[2][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[2][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[2][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[2][1]+adposy) /abstand);[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[2][3])], 1);[3][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[3][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[3][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[3][1]+adposy) /abstand);[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[3][3])], 1);[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /abstand);} if (vorrueck==1 && abstand >0){ for (var ibb = 1; ibb < 1.8; ibb+=switchrand) { if (abstand > (0.7+tubedata[0][8]) && abstand < (+tubedata[0][8]+1.8) && isy >=21 && tubedata[0][9]==1) { //4 farbe //7 color[0][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[0][7])], 1);[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));[1][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[1][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[1][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[1][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));} if (abstand > (0.7+tubedata[1][8]) && abstand < (+tubedata[1][8]+1.8) && isy >=21 && tubedata[1][9]==1) {[1][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[1][7])], 1);[1][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[1][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[1][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[1][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));[2][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[2][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[2][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[2][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));} if (abstand > (0.7+tubedata[2][8]) && abstand < (+tubedata[2][8]+1.8) && isy >=21 && tubedata[2][9]==1) {[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[2][7])], 1);[2][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[2][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[2][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[2][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));[3][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[3][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[3][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[3][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));} if (abstand > (0.7+tubedata[3][8]) && abstand < (+tubedata[3][8]+1.8) && isy >=21 && tubedata[3][9]==1) {[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[3][7])], 1);[3][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[3][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[3][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[3][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /(abstand*ibb), (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /(abstand*ibb));} }[0][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[0][3])], 1);[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /abstand);[1][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[1][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[1][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[1][1]+adposy) /abstand);[1][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[1][3])], 1);[2][0]+adposx) +(tubedata[2][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[2][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[2][1]+adposy) /abstand);[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[2][3])], 1);[3][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[3][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[3][1]+adposy) +(tubedata[3][1]+adposy) /abstand);[2][4], rainbowl[Math.round(tubedata[3][3])], 1);[0][0]+adposx) -(tubedata[0][0]+adposx) /abstand, (tubedata[0][1]+adposy) -(tubedata[0][1]+adposy) /abstand); }} abstand +=1.1; }} for (var idy = 0; idy < tubedata.length; idy++) { if (tubedata[idy][6] ==1) {stickscolor1-=tubedata[idy][5]*Math.random(); tubedata[idy][3]-=tubedata[idy][5]*Math.random();} if (tubedata[idy][6] ==0) {stickscolor1+=tubedata[idy][5]*Math.random(); tubedata[idy][3]+=tubedata[idy][5]*Math.random();} if ( tubedata[idy][3] > 1200) {tubedata[idy][6] =1;} if ( tubedata[idy][3] < 900) {tubedata[idy][6] =0;} }, rainbowl[Math.round(stickscolor1)], 1);*1.78+adposf,stageheight/2-basisstart);,-adposy);*1.78+adposf,stageheight/2+basisstart);, rainbowl[Math.round(stickscolor2)], 1);,adposy+stageheight);*1.7+adposf*1.05,stageheight/2+basisstart);, rainbowl[Math.round(stickscolor1)], 1);,adposy+stageheight+70);, rainbowl[Math.round(stickscolor2)], 1);*1.78+adposf,stageheight/2-basisstart);,-adposy); post++; if (post > speetzi) {posstep++; post=0; tubedata[0][7]-=18; tubedata[1][7]+=20; tubedata[2][7]-=27; if (stickcolorchaos <5) { stickscolor1=Math.random()*700+100; stickscolor2=Math.random()*700+500; }stickswidth=Math.random()*2+1; if (switchrand >50) {tubedata[3][7]=tubedata[0][7]+30;} if (switchrand <50) {tubedata[3][7]=tubedata[1][7]+30;} if (posstep >11) {posstep=0; poso=0;posl=0;posu=0;posr=0; } chaosorder++; if ((chaosorder%2)==0) {poso+=2+posstep/1.6; posl+=1+posstep/1.5; } if ((chaosorder%2)==1) {posu+=1+posstep/1.6; posl+=1+posstep/1.6;} if ((chaosorder%5)==0) {posr+=1+posstep/1.5; poso+=2+posstep/1.3;} if (chaosorder >66) { chaosorder=0; speetzi=Math.random()*3+0.4; tubedata[0][7]=Math.random()*150+900; tubedata[1][7]=Math.random()*150+100; tubedata[2][7]=-Math.random()*150+1400; stickcolorchaos=Math.random()*10; switchrand=Math.random()*0.015+0.009;} // posr+=posstep/2; } if (poso >12) {poso=0;} if (posu >13) {posu=0;} if (posl >12) {posl=0;} if (posr >12) {posr=0;} if (tubedata[0][8]==0){tubedata[0][7]=1050;}//850 if (tubedata[1][8]==0){tubedata[1][7]=100;}//300 if (tubedata[2][8]==0){tubedata[2][7]=1400;}//1100 22 if (tubedata[3][8]==0){tubedata[3][7]=1050;}//wechel 0,1 //8 =0-13 tubedata[0][8]=poso; tubedata[1][8]=posl; tubedata[2][8]=posu; tubedata[3][8]=posr; } var letters: Array; var mono: Font = new retro(); var lang = 0; var ib = 0; var posx = 0; var txtc = 0; var ws = 0; var posyx = 00; var posyy = 570; var kass: Array = new Array(); var movec: Array = new Array(); var posys2: Array = new Array(); var posys: Array = new Array(); var farbe: Array = new Array; var texte: Array = new Array; var wortca: Array = new Array; var speedys = 0; var wortcc = 0; var maxtxts = 80; var txts = 0; function zeigantwort(posyy: int,intpuz: String, siszy: int) { letters = intpuz.split(""); if (txts < letters.length && lang == 0) {machmal(posyy,siszy);wuselrect(10,10,stwidth-20,sthigh-20,1,5,2,3);} if (texte.length >= letters.length) {lang = 1;} if (lang == 1) {if (txts > 0) {var mtxt: TextField = texte[0];undweg(mtxt);} if (txts < 1) {lang = 0;posyx = 0;arrayauskipp();}} helium();} var slow = 0; function machmal(posy: int,sizy: int) { slow++; if (slow >= 4) { slow = 0; var kas = 0; var movecs = Math.random() * (sizy / 2); var posyss = posyy + (sizy / 2) + Math.random() * (sizy / 2); var posyss2 = posyy + sizy + Math.random() * (sizy / 2); var txty: TextField = new TextField(); var txtyf: TextFormat = new TextFormat(); txtc += (sizy / 4); if (txtc > (rainbow.length - 1)) { txtc = 0; } //-------------------------------- txtyf.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT; txtyf.font = mono.fontName; txtyf.size = sizy; posyx += (sizy*1.1) - 3; sizy -= 2.5; if (sizy <= 20) { sizy = 25; } txtyf.bold = true; txty.x = 0; txty.y = 0; txty.background = false; txty.backgroundColor = 0x000000; txty.border = false; txty.multiline = true; txty.wordWrap = true; txty.embedFonts = true; txty.width = 100; txty.height = 60; txty.defaultTextFormat = txtyf; txty.textColor = rainbow[txtc]; txty.alpha = 1; txty.text = String(letters[ws]); ws++; txty.alpha = 1; txty.x = posyx + 1; txty.y = posyy + Math.random() * 5; //------------------------------------- txts++; wortca.push(txtc); farbe.push(txtc); kass.push(kas); texte.push(txty); posys.push(posyss); movec.push(movecs); posys2.push(posyss2); addChild(txty); txty.parent.setChildIndex(txty, txty.parent.numChildren - 1); } } function helium() { for (var i3 = 0; i3 < texte.length; i3++) { var mtxt: TextField = texte[i3]; if (mtxt.y >= posys2[i3]) { kass[i3] = 0; } if (mtxt.y <= posys[i3]) { kass[i3] = 1; } if (kass[i3] == 0) { mtxt.y -= 2.5; } if (kass[i3] == 1) { mtxt.y += 1; } mtxt.alpha = beathalf/20+0.4; wortcc++; movec[i3] += 1; if ((movec[i3]) > (posys2[i3] * 2)) { posys[i3] = Math.random() * 10; posys2[i3] = 10 + Math.random() * 5; movec[i3] = 0; speedys = Math.round(10 + (Math.random() * 20)) } if (wortcc >= 70) { wortcc = Math.random() * 50; var wortc = wortca[i3]; wortc++; if (wortc > tet.length) { wortc = 0; } wortca[i3] = wortc; } var farbs = farbe[i3]; farbs -= speedys; if (farbs < 1) { farbs = rainbow.length - 2; } farbe[i3] = farbs; mtxt.textColor = rainbow[Math.round(farbe[i3])]; } } function undweg(mtxti: TextField) { for (var i3 = 0; i3 < texte.length; i3++) { var mtxt: TextField = texte[i3]; if (mtxt == mtxti) { farbe.splice(i3, 1); texte.splice(i3, 1); wortca.splice(i3, 1); kass.splice(i3, 1); posys.splice(i3, 1); movec.splice(i3, 1); posys2.splice(i3, 1); letters.splice(i3, 1); removeChild(mtxt); txts--; } } } function arrayauskipp() { farbe.length = 0; texte.length = 0; wortca.length = 0; kass.length = 0; posys.length = 0; movec.length = 0; posys2.length = 0; ws = 0; } //muhihi system i once created for the 4*100Watt chipled stroboscope beat fullonflashing with C++ in Arduino for STM32F103C8T6 is still growing (and getting more complex).. now 2304channel controled sequence orderd chaos to infinity *purrrr* //also still trying new ideas using it.. developing many rgb flashing thingys also matrixes alrealy and this is the second flash using it :3 (in 48x48 pixel multiblearraycontroled showingmatrix) //oh the muatem psy archive once aviable in internet ans storred on hardive is extremly large so is awesome station FUll ON from radio caprice (cute russian rip digital imported thingy) i hearing //verry sounds extremly awesome watching track running caused have track and many others from same artist running deffinetly in my archiv :3 so heared and found bitkit and by getting bitkit music know //so found this awesome track "Don't wait" in album: "the last shadow" label: "dacru" ( ) just moddetificated it for cuter noisen +bass+terrible(minimumhallinghallslimiterchoiseequalizers) and //exactly cutter it do purrrRRRfect loop for using in flash =^.^= but flash *sight*maximum 160kbps but rendered a high quality flac audiofile get it here //--\/-- // (directfilelink, hotlink) //--/\-- //*sight no z0r updates? so flash bigger than 2MB last times.. //AS3 (java) Flash script complet by marderchen use it or parts like you want :3 (main part always first functions)rest written also in older projects /* MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOO WWWWWWWW WWWWWWWW M:::::::M M:::::::ME::::::::::::::::::::E OO:::::::::OO W::::::W W::::::W M::::::::M M::::::::ME::::::::::::::::::::E OO:::::::::::::OO W::::::W W::::::W M:::::::::M M:::::::::MEE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::EO:::::::OOO:::::::OW::::::W W::::::W M::::::::::M M::::::::::M E:::::E EEEEEEO::::::O O::::::O W:::::W WWWWW W:::::W M:::::::::::M M:::::::::::M E:::::E O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W M:::::::M::::M M::::M:::::::M E::::::EEEEEEEEEE O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W W:::::::W W:::::W M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M E:::::::::::::::E O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W W:::::::::W W:::::W M::::::M M::::M::::M M::::::M E:::::::::::::::E O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W W:::::W:::::W W:::::W M::::::M M:::::::M M::::::M E::::::EEEEEEEEEE O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W W:::::W M::::::M M:::::M M::::::M E:::::E O:::::O O:::::O W:::::W:::::W W:::::W:::::W M::::::M MMMMM M::::::M E:::::E EEEEEEO::::::O O::::::O W:::::::::W W:::::::::W M::::::M M::::::MEE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::EO:::::::OOO:::::::O W:::::::W W:::::::W M::::::M M::::::ME::::::::::::::::::::E OO:::::::::::::OO W:::::W W:::::W M::::::M M::::::ME::::::::::::::::::::E OO:::::::::OO W:::W W:::W MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OOOOOOOOO WWW WWW `..`... `...... `.. .. `........`....... `........`........ `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `...... `. `.. `...... `...... `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. `.. .. `.. `.. `..`........`........ */